2 Day Practice Intensive Workshop

2 Day Experiential Workshop

1 Day Experiential Workshop

EFT Practitioner Advanced Training

This virtual 2 day class is the culmination of EFT Universe practitioner training. In it, you’ll work live with experienced practitioners and an expert mentor-trainer role-playing challenging situations. For available dates, see schedule.

Use coupon code: RENEWFREE at checkout to have the cost of this training included in your Certification renewal.

These workshops are pre-recorded, and you can take them at any time you choose. You select a 2-day workshop on the subject of your choice. These include: Immunity, Tapping Money Miracles, and other topics to come.

These workshops are also pre-recorded. You can take them at any time you choose. You select two 1-day workshops on the topics of your choice. These include: Holiday Stress, Ancestral Healing, Anxiety, Insomnia, Pain, and other subjects. You can take each one of the two workshops separately.
These advanced trainings are designed for experienced practitioners who want to continue their education.

Use coupon code: RENEWFREE at checkout to have the cost of this training included in your Certification renewal.
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2 Day Experiential Workshops
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Note: This content assumes you have a working knowledge of EFT. Newcomers to emotional freedom techniques, also known as EFT, Tapping, and EFT Tapping can still learn from this content, but are advised to get the EFTUniverse Free EFT Get Started Package and/or EFT Books and/or attend EFT Training Workshops for a more complete understanding of EFT. For more information, please read the EFTUniverse EFT Information and Disclaimer Document.

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this site and its related sites do not provide medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, therapy, or treatment. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques or "tapping") is not intended to diagnose or treat any particular individual or condition. Do not use any information whatsoever on this site without consulting your licensed medical and mental health professional first. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately. By remaining on this site you agree to the EFTUniverse DisclaimerTerms of Service and Privacy Policy, and Copyright Statement.
